51AAB. Part does not apply to financial services
51AA. Unconscionable conduct within the meaning of the unwritten law of the
States and Territories
51AB. Unconscionable conduct
51AC. Unconscionable conduct in business transactions
51ACAA. Concurrent operation of State and Territory laws
Division 1--Unfair practices
51AF. Part does not apply to financial services
51A. Interpretation
52. Misleading or deceptive conduct
53. False or misleading representations
Division 2--Conditions and warranties in consumer transactions
66. Interpretation
68. Application of provisions not to be excluded or modified
68A. Limitation of liability for breach of certain conditions or warranties
68B. Limitation of liability in relation to supply of recreational services
69. Implied undertakings as to title, encumbrances and quiet possession
70. Supply by description
71. Implied undertakings as to quality or fitness
72. Supply by sample
73. Liability for loss or damage from breach of certain contracts
74. Warranties in relation to the supply of services
80. Injunctions
82. Actions for damages
84. Conduct by directors, servants or agents
85. Defences
87. Other orders